I figured id give this flash a rather long review, so prepare yourself for many, many spelling errors.
to start off this flash seemed like 80% of the time spent on this was on the BG scenery, the bg's were great, worthy of even real full length cartoon movies. But the characters seemed..boring. Just one of the many flaws this cartoons has, instead of just a dinosaur and a ape, maybe add some kind of scars or tatoos to make them stick out, the guy was a wizard and the weird robe was boring, everyone does a grey robe. why not a red robe? Also the characters were porly animated, they seemed to move in 2 frames constantly, the key is smoothing things out, use more then 2 frames per movement and try to stay away from the movie clips because they can make the movie look messy. Next is the special effects, as great as they were they seemed out of place the way you used them, thos were probably the greatest animated things in this flash and when you mix awesome with get crappy.
Other then that in the animation area this flash did pretty good, no real story or anything, but entertaining none the less. Also next time show the scene with the death, dont just fade out and in to a head, that was probably the worst part of the flash =O. Even though i have had alot of negative things to say, dont let it get you down, you are improving fast! and your not stopping any time soon, cant wait to see 5. Keep it up.